Construction timber C24

Structural timber certified in class C24 according to European standards. According to current building regulations and standards, it is the material required for roof structures, ceilings, walls and frame houses. The timber is planed and dried and has a moisture content of 15 % (+/- 3%).


Four-sided planed structural timber, which has been dried in drying chambers to 15% moisture content and sorted for strength at grade C24. KVH is a modern softwood product with chamfered edges and lengths of up to 13 m.

The KVH mark signifies membership of a German organisation that supervises structural timber companies. This organisation has been in operation since 1995, and oversees production at affiliated plants to ensure that their products are of the highest quality in accordance with constructional requirements – sorted according to German DIN standards.
Class C24 means that a timber component of this class must be able to withstand bending of 24 MPa. Pine, spruce, fir and larch are used for load-bearing constructions, but the timber grade is determined independently of the timber species.

Product advantages

  • solid structural timber is lightweight but designed to be strong, enabling the construction of taller, environmentally friendly buildings;
  • it has very good dimensional stability;
  • the core sawn produces a strength that eliminates micro-cracks and twists;
  • according to European standards, the timber is classC24;
  • is a very good insulating material: has a low thermal conductivity coefficient – wins out over construction materials such as steel and concrete;
  • prevents the formation of thermal bridges, which results in high energy savings for the building;
  • chamber-dried, 4-sided planed wood with chamfered edges does not require impregnation, has an attractive appearance and increased fire resistance;
  • is easy to use and can be processed into many shapes;
  • bonded with formaldehyde-free glue, it is an environmentally friendly alternative to steel and is fully recyclable.

Technical characteristics

Technical characteristicsStructural timber for wedge joints C24
Species spruce, also fir, pine, larch, douglas fir on request
Strength class in accordance with EN 338 [8];
Quality class in accordance with DIN 4074-1 [9]1)
C24/S 10 TS2) or C24/S 10 K3) TS2)
lub C24 M4) TS2)
Humidity um5)15 % ± 3 %
Swelling and shrinkage rate0,24 % na 1 % change in moisture content
Reaction to fire class in accordance with EN13501-1 [10]D-s2, d0
Thermal conductivity λ0,13 W / (mK)
Coefficient of resistance to vapour diffusion μ40
1) For other European standards, assessments for the assignment of a local class to strength class C24 can be adopted in accordance with EN 1912:2013 [11].
The note on assessment standards can be disregarded for machine strength assessment.
2) The designation “TS” indicates “dry assessment”, i.e. where the assessment is carried out when the moisture content is um ≤ 20 %.
3) The marking “K” indicates a board or plank assessed as a timber batten.
4) The designation ‘M’ indicates mechanical grading.
5) In practice, the average moisture content um determines the assessment of the moisture content of the wood, with um being the arithmetic mean of the result of the measurement obtained from each piece of wood using electrodes at a measurement depth of 5 mm (surface moisture content), at half the thickness of the wood (core moisture content) and one third of the thickness of the wood (average moisture content).


  • load-bearing and stiffening timber structures, e.g.: brackets, beams, purlins, rafters, mayflies, masonry;
  • roof trusses;
  • columns and rafters of wall, floor and roof elements of a building;
  • visible elements of the building that meet high aesthetic requirements;
  • canadian and timber-frame construction;
  • building elements where chemical wood preservation may or must not be used;
  • all structural elements requiring high dimensional stability;
  • joists for decking and flooring;
  • garden architecture, canopies, arbours, mezzanine floors, pergolas, shelves, benches, carports, etc..;
  • playgrounds, saunas, swimming pools;
  • and many other things made of wood you can imagine.

Production proces

1. Sawing of roundwood on sawmill lines.
2. Chamber-drying of wood to 15% moisture content.
3. Quality sorting of semi-finished product.
4. Marking and cutting out of defects.
5. Joining of wood into micro joints.
6. Cutting to standard length (13 m).
7. 4-side planing.
8. Packing according to standards.

Dimensions - Packaging - Logistical table

Width [mm]
Thickness [mm]95145195245
Width [mm]
Thickness [mm]100150200250
Width [mm]
Thickness [mm]80100120140160180200220240

Length 13 000 mm or other dimensions as agreed with the customer.